Greetings from around the world

In many cultures, greetings are an important aspect of daily life. They are a way of showing respect and building relationships. Let's explore how different countries around the world greet each other.

In Japan, bowing is a traditional greeting. The depth of the bow depends on the level of respect you want to show. In India, a common greeting is "Namaste", which involves putting your hands together and bowing your head.

Meanwhile, in France, a kiss on each cheek is a common greeting between friends. In Brazil, a hug and a kiss on one cheek is the norm. In some African countries, a handshake is accompanied by a series of intricate finger snaps.

Whatever the greeting, it's important to respect local customs when travelling in different countries. By taking the time to learn the local greetings, you can show respect and build meaningful relationships with people from all around the world.

